Il a fait tout son possible pour faire comme si de rien n’était, pour être comme tout le monde, pour essayer de s’intégrer. Mais il s’est senti en décalage avec cette société. Il n’abandonnera pas si facilement, il a compris comment ça fonctionne et comment il fonctionne. Il est prêt pour la renaissance.
Composition et paroles : Sylvain Giorgetti (The Wandering Mind)
Chanteur : Tom Bedlam
They are wasting
They’re polluting
They know they are
but they don’t care
Selfish pleasures
Superficiality, game of ego
Sham behavior to act it is all right
While it’s falling
Alienated guys constantly consuming
Yes quantity
In hell quality
I’ve had enough
Leave me alone
I can’t understand what’s going on here
All these worries
All these barriers
And all these spirits spreading in my head
I try everything to still stay the course
But it’s so hard
Causes me harm
Why don’t I feel on the same wavelength here?
What’s the matter?
Why this burden?
It looks like I don’t belong here
It looks like I’m going nowhere
Unreachable world
But that’s not my last word
There’s still energy swarming through my body
Trigger awareness
Trigger happiness
I won’t give up, no, I have so much to share
How i wish I could wrap you with my love
And all my warmth
And my sweetness
How I wish I could take off the shackles
And start a new life
And start a new life
It looks like I could belong here
I’ll stay the course and go somewhere