

Un homme à l’esprit tourmenté mais au visage si placide. Un homme qui brûle à l’intérieur mais qui est si froid à l’extérieur. Un homme qui veut libérer et partager toute cette énergie pour faire fondre cette glace si tenace. Un homme qui est resté un enfant et qui maudit d’être devenu adulte.

Composition et paroles : Sylvain Giorgetti (The Wandering Mind)
Chanteur : Tom Bedlam

I see time’s flying, while I’m pretending
Nobody knows that something’s wrong

They all are playing, while I’m vanishing
No-one can heal all my wounds

No tears and no smile, and now for a while
Dead-ends unfolding on all sides

The game is so hard, everyone’s so harsh
I wish I could go back on track

A wall of loneliness and too much bitterness
But now it’s time to get over it

And stop regretting, stop too much thinking
There’re so many things to live

I’m getting stuck
I’m getting stuck
I need the rules to run this trap away
I need your help to find a way
I’m getting stuck

I’m just a child in an adult body
An old bachelor who doesn’t want to grow

Help me to find the reasons why
I can’t go and reach the other side

Please get me out of this castle
To release this energy swarming through me
No I can’t take this pressure anymore 
I’d like to share with you all my passion.

Behind the shell there’s only a man to cheer up
With an overflowing imagination
I could rewrite the world over and over

I wish I could cry or laugh with you everyday
I’d like to live the life to the fullest…
I’d like to stop dwelling up the past

I only wish I could do all this with you
I only wish we could join together
to chase away all these black clouds

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