Le grand voyage approche, il est temps. Il attendait ce moment depuis si longtemps. Ca y est, il s’envole, c’est son jour, il part enfin vers de nouvelles contrées retrouver les siens. On ne l’a jamais vu si heureux, si souriant, si détendu. Il sait que cette fois, il trouvera le bonheur qui lui a tant manqué sur Terre.
Composition et paroles : Sylvain Giorgetti (The Wandering Mind)
Chanteur : Tom Bedlam
I can’t fit in this place
I can’t connect to anyone
I am so lonely and out of touch
I don’t belong to this world
How I wish I could go home
Now I understand, today is the day
I hear their calling, they’re coming
to get me back
I’ve been waiting for so long
And suddenly
I am getting so light
I’m flying in the air
The wind shows me the way
It lifts me up slowly
A blinding light covers my body
Now I’m happy
Cause I’m going home
No one can hurt me
This dream I had is coming true
I’m now at peace with myself
I fly away and watch one last time
this beautiful Earth I am leaving now
And finally
I will find my peers
And finally
I will enjoy my life
A magic moment is taking place
A new adventure is taking shape
Now I’m happy
Cause I’m going home
No one can hurt me